Monday 11 May 2015

Big players big plays

 Thus sayeth the King, just pass me the ball. With 1.6 seconds left on the clock and with Derrick Rose levelling the game with a lay up previously Lebron took it upon himself to take the shot and win the game. His coach had called another play but that's why Lebron is called the king he scratched that and made the play, he can nail the big shots in the big pressure moments. Lebron would deffo agree his shooting wasn't completely on point last night and he did concede a lot of turnovers but his moment of magic won the game. Interestingly enough now he has the same amount of buzzer beaters in the post season as Micheal Jordan which is 3 hmmm interesting. 

Last Friday Austin Rivers was amazing really taking the game to the Rockets and cooking up a storm in the absence of Chris Paul he had a massive 25 points in the Clippers 124-99 win. Last night the Rockets had a unusual tactic fowling Deandre Jordan relentlessly forcing him to the free throw line. It was crazy Deandre Jordan set an NBA record of 28 free throw attempts in the first half!! All in all he had 34 attempts acoring only 14. Now the tactic seems reasonably considering Jordan converted only 39.7% of free throws in the regular season, Kevin Mchale said he did it to "muck up" the game and disrupt the flow of the clippers but it seems that the rockets where just truly out of it on both the offensive and defensive fronts. There punishment was a 128-95 loss and it looks now very likely that my beloved clippers will be advancing to the next round of the playoffs but never say never the Rockets could come back, if they can pull themselves together. 

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